Colon hydrotherapy, also known as colonic irrigation or colon cleansing, is a holistic procedure that involves flushing out the colon with water to remove fecal matter, toxins, and other waste products from the body. It may have several health benefits, such as:

  1. Improved Digestion: Colon hydrotherapy can help to improve digestion by removing waste and toxins from the colon, which can promote better nutrient absorption.

  2. Increased Energy: Detoxifying the colon can help to remove toxins and waste products that can make you feel sluggish and tired.

  3. Weight Loss: Colon hydrotherapy can promote weight loss by removing impacted fecal matter and toxins that may be contributing to weight gain.

  4. Improved Immune System: By removing harmful toxins and waste products from the colon, colon hydrotherapy can help to strengthen the immune system.

  5. Clearer Skin: Colon hydrotherapy can help to improve skin health by removing toxins and waste products that can contribute to acne, eczema, and other skin conditions.

Colon Hydrotherapy helps alleviate symptoms such as: constipation, irritable colon – colitis, diarrhea – colic, gas, gastric reflux, obesity, abdominal and pelvic inflammations, stomach-head-andlumbago pain, bronchial asthma, anal discomfort, migraine headache, restless sleep, dermatitis, acne, bad breath, lack of appetite, irritability, among others.

La hidroterapia de colon, también conocida como irrigación de colon o limpieza de colon, es un procedimiento holístico que consiste en lavar el colon con agua para eliminar la materia fecal, toxinas y otros productos de desecho del cuerpo. Puede tener varios beneficios para la salud, como:

  1. Digestión mejorada: la hidroterapia de colon puede ayudar a mejorar la digestión al eliminar los desechos y las toxinas del colon, lo que puede promover una mejor absorción de nutrientes.
  2. Mayor energía: desintoxicar el colon puede ayudar a eliminar toxinas y productos de desecho que pueden hacerte sentir lento y cansado.
  3. Pérdida de peso: la hidroterapia de colon puede promover la pérdida de peso al eliminar la materia fecal impactada y las toxinas que pueden estar contribuyendo al aumento de peso.
  4. Sistema inmunológico mejorado: al eliminar toxinas dañinas y productos de desecho del colon, la hidroterapia de colon puede ayudar a fortalecer el sistema inmunológico.
  5. Piel más clara: la hidroterapia de colon puede ayudar a mejorar la salud de la piel al eliminar toxinas y productos de desecho que pueden contribuir al acné, el eccema y otras afecciones de la piel.

La Hidroterapia de Colon ayuda a aliviar síntomas como: estreñimiento, colon irritable – colitis, diarrea – cólico, gases, reflujo gástrico, obesidad, inflamaciones abdominales y pélvicas, dolor de estómago, cabeza y lumbago, asma bronquial, malestar anal, migraña, sueño inquieto, dermatitis, acné, mal aliento, falta de apetito, irritabilidad, entre otros.

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Satydra Blidgen
Satydra Blidgen
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Yanet is truly an Angel. I searched for place that could administer a colon hydrotherapy treatment as a last ditch effort due to severe constipation. I tried everything, even going to the emergency room. Nothing! My manager recommended I try, believe me desperation will drive you to try things that you may have perceived as unthinkable. I was so “backed up” I couldn’t eat, sleep well, bloated, severe headaches, even my body temperature was fluctuating. Yanet was so patient, kind, and explained step by step the process. This process was made easy because of her demeanor, let’s be real it’s not easy discussing poop let alone to be in a room with someone else doing this. Another thing I appreciated was how clean the place was,I am grateful for her and pray that God blesses her and her business. If you are hesitant I recommend you try it. In this case it’s always 'better out than in.'
Jesenia Orozco
Jesenia Orozco@jessyvorozco
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I am so blessed to have crossed paths with this wonderful spa. Yanet is very special. She helped me with my colon cleanse and suggested the best things to solve my problem. I feel the difference every day and I’m feeling amazing since my first session. I noticed a difference from within. Yanet knows what she is doing. The process did not hurt at all. She is very gentle, careful and knowledgeable. I am also getting a cellulite treatment. I see the difference in my legs. They are more toned and smooth. Knowing Yanet was a huge blessing. She encouraged me to take extra care of myself, to drink more water and reminded me of the importance of self love. I got a chance to see how appreciative my body is and how much it appreciates small changes that eventually make a huge impact. I recommend I Bella Spa to everyone. They are affordable, knowledgeable and actually care about your wellbeing rather than places who only want to take your money and don’t help at all. Thank you Yanet, you are the best ❤️ Jessy
Carlos Baez
Carlos Baez
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Excellent service, 100% recommended.